icographic 1–11 & 14/15

A rare chance to get hold of a set of 11 sequential issues of icographic from The International Council of Graphic Design (ICOGRADA). The series ran from 1971 to 1978 and included 14 printed issues with the final issue being a special double issue (14 & 15).
This industry journal is a unique piece of graphic design publishing history and a pioneer in design research with special interest in graphic design, typography and education. Aside from a fascinating look at what design publishing was in the 60s and 70s, its content is rich in its diversity of texts and insight. Each issue covers a range of topics which are presented in a delightful four column grid. Each issue is marked by a striking graphic cover, typographic arrangement and colour. This set includes issues 1 and 2 which are exceptionally hard to come by. This is not surprising as these two have, perhaps, the best covers.
Free international delivery. The set will be sent tracked and insured to the full value. For details, images of the other issues or to learn more, please e-mail.